온타리오주 사업체 설립. 인수 이민 스트림 자격 완화
이루리 유학이민(주)
2020-11-17 23:17
Summary of Changes To The Ontario Entrepreneur Stream
캐나다 이민시 한국에서 개인 사업체를 운영해오거나, 회사 임원으로서 근무한 경력이 있는 경우, 신청 할 수있는 이민 경로입니다. 캐나다에서 사업체 설립 또는 기존사업 인수를 통해서, 한화로 2억에서 6억 정도의 사업체를 설립 또는 인수 투자 할 수있고, CLB4의 영어능력(영어의 기본실력수준: 아이엘츠기준 레벨 :듣기 4.5, 읽기 3.5, 말하기.쓰기 4.0)이 가능하면, 영주권 취득 및 경제적인 안정을 동시에 얻을수 있는 40 ~ 60대분들이 신청할수 있는 이민 경로입니다.
Requirement Description Before July 8, 2019 After July 8 2019
Net worth for proposed business inside GTA $1.5 million $800,000
Net worth for proposed business outside GTA $800,000 $400,000
Net worth for proposed business in involved in Information Communications Technology or Digital Communications $800,000 $400,000
Minimum investment for proposed business inside GTA $1 million $600,000
Minimum investment for proposed business outside GTA $500,000 $200,000
Minimum investment for proposed business in involved in Information Communications Technology or Digital Communications $500,000 $200,000
Business experience as owner or senior manager 36 months within last 60 months 24 months within last 60 months
The changes also saw Ontario terminate the unpopular Corporate Stream, which was aimed at established international corporations that wanted to expand into Ontario or buy an existing Ontario business.
Ontario Entrepreneur Stream: Financial Requirements
1) Net Worth
Minimum net worth of $800,000 if your proposed business will be in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Outside the GTA, minimum net worth is $400,000.
Proposed business in either ICT or digital communications, minimum net worth is $400,000 anywhere in province.
2) Investment and Ownership
Invest at least $600,000 in an Ontario business and own at least 33 per cent if business is in GTA.
Outside GTA, invest at least $200,000 and own at least 33 per cent.
Proposed business in either ICT or digital communications, invest at least $200,000 and own at least 33 per cent anywhere in the province.
Ontario Entrepreneur Stream: Non-Financial Requirements
At least 24 months of full-time business experience in the past 60 months, as an owner or senior manager.
Create two full-time jobs for Canadian citizens or permanent residents in the proposed company if located inside the GTA. Business located outside the GTA, or in either ICT or digital communications, must create one full time job.
Make an exploratory visit to Ontario in the 12 months prior to application. Note: This only applies to those buying an existing business.
Minimum CLB 4 in English or French.
Physically reside in Ontario for at least 75% of the time you are managing the business.
자세한 상담은 문의해 주시면 24시간 이내에 답변드립니다.
캐나다 이민시 한국에서 개인 사업체를 운영해오거나, 회사 임원으로서 근무한 경력이 있는 경우, 신청 할 수있는 이민 경로입니다. 캐나다에서 사업체 설립 또는 기존사업 인수를 통해서, 한화로 2억에서 6억 정도의 사업체를 설립 또는 인수 투자 할 수있고, CLB4의 영어능력(영어의 기본실력수준: 아이엘츠기준 레벨 :듣기 4.5, 읽기 3.5, 말하기.쓰기 4.0)이 가능하면, 영주권 취득 및 경제적인 안정을 동시에 얻을수 있는 40 ~ 60대분들이 신청할수 있는 이민 경로입니다.
Requirement Description Before July 8, 2019 After July 8 2019
Net worth for proposed business inside GTA $1.5 million $800,000
Net worth for proposed business outside GTA $800,000 $400,000
Net worth for proposed business in involved in Information Communications Technology or Digital Communications $800,000 $400,000
Minimum investment for proposed business inside GTA $1 million $600,000
Minimum investment for proposed business outside GTA $500,000 $200,000
Minimum investment for proposed business in involved in Information Communications Technology or Digital Communications $500,000 $200,000
Business experience as owner or senior manager 36 months within last 60 months 24 months within last 60 months
The changes also saw Ontario terminate the unpopular Corporate Stream, which was aimed at established international corporations that wanted to expand into Ontario or buy an existing Ontario business.
Ontario Entrepreneur Stream: Financial Requirements
1) Net Worth
Minimum net worth of $800,000 if your proposed business will be in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Outside the GTA, minimum net worth is $400,000.
Proposed business in either ICT or digital communications, minimum net worth is $400,000 anywhere in province.
2) Investment and Ownership
Invest at least $600,000 in an Ontario business and own at least 33 per cent if business is in GTA.
Outside GTA, invest at least $200,000 and own at least 33 per cent.
Proposed business in either ICT or digital communications, invest at least $200,000 and own at least 33 per cent anywhere in the province.
Ontario Entrepreneur Stream: Non-Financial Requirements
At least 24 months of full-time business experience in the past 60 months, as an owner or senior manager.
Create two full-time jobs for Canadian citizens or permanent residents in the proposed company if located inside the GTA. Business located outside the GTA, or in either ICT or digital communications, must create one full time job.
Make an exploratory visit to Ontario in the 12 months prior to application. Note: This only applies to those buying an existing business.
Minimum CLB 4 in English or French.
Physically reside in Ontario for at least 75% of the time you are managing the business.
자세한 상담은 문의해 주시면 24시간 이내에 답변드립니다.
전체 28
번호 | 제목 | 작성자 | 작성일 | 추천 | 조회 |
공지사항 |
이루리 유학이민(주) 이용약관
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이루리 유학이민(주)
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조회 2163
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이루리 유학이민(주)
추천 0
조회 2999
이루리 유학이민(주) | 2020.11.17 | 0 | 2999 |
25 |
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이루리 유학이민(주)
추천 0
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