2023년 만료 PGWP 연장 조치 발표

이루리 유학이민(주)
2023-03-17 13:30
PGWP로 근무중인 국제학생 대상으로, 이미 워크퍼밋이 만료되었거나, 만료예정인 대상자들에게 4월 6일부로 연장 조치가
발표되었습니다. 최장 18개월까지 연장되므로, 그 기간에 최적의 영주권 경로를 찾아 안정적인 캐나다 생활을 준비하실수 있습니다. 클라이언트에 가장 맞는 영주권 이민 패스웨이(연방,주정부,파일럿 이민 프로그램)를 안내드리니, 도움이 필요하실때
이루리 이민전문 법인에 문의 주시기 바랍니다.

원문 참조
International graduates with expired or expiring work permits will be able to extend their work authorization in Canada for another 18 months under a new immigration measure announced Friday.
Postgraduate work permit (PGWP) holders who qualify for the program will soon be contacted with information about logging into their online account to opt in and update their file, starting April 6.
A PGWP is typically not extendable, but similar policies have been implemented twice during the pandemic to allow international graduates to stay and work in Canada as many ran out of status and were unable to pursue permanent residence amid significant immigration backlogs.
Those with expired work permits both in 2022 and 2023 will be able to restore their status, even if they are beyond the 90-day restoration period, and will receive an interim work authorization while awaiting processing of their new work permit application.
“We need to use every tool in our toolbox to support employers who continue to face challenges in hiring the workers they need to grow,” Immigration Minister Sean Fraser said in a statement.
전체 19
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